It might not sound like the most riveting subject to discuss over a BBQ beer or plonk, but there’s more to it than most of us might think.
With Australia’s record breaking immigration rates over recent years and consequent eye-watering population growth, all those new arrivals need somewhere to live. While most immigrants from none English speaking backgrounds gravitate to concentrations of their own nationalities and faiths in capital cities (Chinese born arrivals illustrated here for example, those identifying as Muslim and therefore mostly none English speaking here), refugees are encouraged, at least temporarily, to settle in regional centres.
Changed postcode boundaries and new postcodes typically reflect changes in the pattern of where people live, and thus where items in the mail are delivered. This graphic shows new postcodes and changed boundaries for a part of metro and regional Victoria between late 2016 and early 2018. Demographic (the character of human populations over space and time) patterns are likely influenced by a combination of increased urban property prices, immigration volumes, ageing resident populations and an increase in urban high density housing at the expense of historically typical detached homes and low density dwellings. Owners of typical large urban and suburban blocks are being bought out by developers to build high density housing for new arrivals and some young Australians, no longer able to afford the “Australian dream” in their home towns. New suburbs and expansion of others on the perimeters of cities and regional centres are now where the Australian dream must be followed.

Changed and new postcodes part Victoria 12 months 2017 to 2018
We have the most up-to-date postcode geography available, including all the demographic data you could ever need. Don’t loose track of where your market is moving to, contact us today for an obligation-free discussion!