Welcome to MapMakers Latest News
This is where we'll announce the most recent additions to our web site. If you've visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first.Postcode geography – never a dull moment!
It might not sound like the most riveting subject to discuss over a BBQ beer or plonk, but there's more to it than most of us might think. With Australia's record breaking immigration rates over recent years and consequent eye-watering population growth, all those new...
MapMakers’ Postcode GIS Data compared to ABS “postal areas” – you get what you pay for!
It's great the ABS have made accessing census and standard geography data so mush easier, and of course as all taxpayer funded data sets should be, at not cost. Some, wishing to leverage postcode information, see what they wish to see - ABS postal areas (POAs) =...
Where the well-off and not so well-off are living
We're generally a mixed lot. Suburbs with big expensive homes rubbing shoulders with more modest ones are familiar to many of us. Weekly personal incomes are another addition to the current data release. In this example we show postcodes where a threshold percentage...
Census snapshot: One million homes left empty across Australia
So says the headline on Dick Smith's Fair Go web site. It links to an original article by Eryck Bagshaw of the Sydney Morning Herald. Interesting reading, there are even some bar charts. These articles prompted us to look at our postcode level Census data. One of the...
Changing Face Of Australia
Our multi-cultural credentials are often touted as "world leading" by politicians and media. We're certainly an increasingly mixed brew, as anyone returning to a major centre after a gap of some years would notice! New arrivals from China and Indian sub-continent are...
Baby Boomers change in population percentage over 10 years and three Censuses.
You can see the actual percentages for Census years 2011 and 2016 on our main Census Postcode page. This post shows how the Baby Boomer population is rapidly changing in the face of overall massive increases in the entire population. In NSW and the ACT, very few...