Postcode designations reflect our dynamic and growing nation. Since the initial release of our Australian Postcode Map Series in October 2006, we have developed a program to systematically incorporate additions and boundary changes into our products. The definitive source of Postcode designations resides with Australia Post, who regularly post tabular updates on their web site – these are available to download free of charge as a PDF document here – charges for commercial use were introduced in 2015.
Our commitment to supporting our clients means that typically, our updated Data products are validated against posted changes within thirty days of them appearing on the Australia Post web site. We are very proud of our innovative technical achievements in this area. During the time following first release, we added, removed or made boundary adjustments to over 1,500 Postcodes! We are pleased to offer our customers a subscription-based Postcode Product Update Service. The options and terms are detailed below, or you can skip straight to the update item list.
Service available for both Map Series and GIS Data ranges
The service is intended for users who wish to keep their Licensed product(s) current and thus ideally will be taken out at or close to the time of initial License. There is little if any advantage in waiting for perhaps two or three years and then taking out a subscription, as the availability of the service is tied to your product License date. For example if you licensed your product in 2020 and decided you wanted to subscribe to the update service in 2023, you would be invoiced for the elapsed period since first Licensed (initial pro-rata year plus subsequent full year(s)). For most products, if you do not subscribe to the Update Service within five years of initial License, it would likely be more economic to License a new version of the product(s) of interest.
The service offered is available for both our Map Series product range, and for our Standard GIS Data and Census Enhanced GIS Data ranges. In order to keep administrative costs down and thus cost of the service, the Update Service will typically extend through a calendar year. Your initial Update Service will be invoiced on a monthly pro-rata basis, subsequent renewals will be for a full calendar years.
Update Service in a nutshell
The update(s) available to you will be based on the Postcode products you have Licensed to you. The cost of the Subscription relates directly to the listed price of the Products:
- For Map Series products, 40% of the total listed price or A$400 (capped at $1500 per year) + GST, per calendar year from initial License date, whichever is higher. Initial part year charged on a monthly pro-rata basis.
- For Standard GIS Data products, 40% of the total listed price or A$500 (capped at $1800 per year) + GST, per calendar year from initial License date, whichever is higher. Initial part year charged on a monthly pro-rata basis.
- For Census Enhanced GIS Data, 40% of the total listed price or $850 (capped at $2750 per year) + GST, per calendar year from initial License date, whichever is higher. Initial part year charged on a monthly pro-rata basis.
The nature of the Service is slightly different for the two main product lines:
Map Series product range.
- We re-create the Map Series range twice each year, thereby ensuring all Postcode data updates are incorporated and made available to Subscribers twice during any subscription period. Target dates are mid-year and end of year. There is some variation around target dates, depending primarily on release dates and changed content for Australia Post table updates, but based on past years, within two weeks either side of June 30th and December 30th. If you do not receive an update, there have not been any changes made in the regions covered by your products. In the period October 2006 – March 2024, every State and Territory has received new and/or changed postcode designations and associated additional or modified postcode area boundaries which, from August 2021 conform to our new address-accurate standard. Delivery is via upload unless arranged otherwise.
- We will use the same encryption key(s) as were generated for your original purchases, unless there is a reason to create new ones, such as security concerns. Please communicate with us directly about such matters if required.
- Unless instructed otherwise, we will upload to the same contact person used on your original products. Please notify us of personnel or address changes so we can keep our records up to date – without that information, this Service cannot operate!
GIS Data range.
- All GIS data updates are transmitted for download. This will happen four times each calendar year. Target dates are ends of March, June, September and December. Please note that we will forward an update only if there have been changes since the previous update / original purchase. If you do not receive an update, there have not been any changes made in the regions covered by your products. In the period 2006 – 2024, every State and Territory has received new and/or changed postcode designations and associated additional or modified postcode area boundaries.
- We will use the same encryption key(s) as were generated for your original purchases, unless there is a reason to create new ones, such as security concerns. Please communicate with us directly about such matters if required.
- No shipping charge applies for download. However should you wish to receive update(s) on disc, disc creation / shipping charges will be additional to the basic subscription.
- Unless instructed otherwise, we will supply to the same contact person and address as used on your original products. Please notify us of personnel or address changes so we can keep our records up to date – without that information, this Service cannot operate!
- Update Service does not apply to tabular output only customers.
Postcode Update Service Summary
Please complete the standard contact form and include your original Product ID(s) and if possible, original Invoice# for which the service is required.