Who knows who decides whether these should be assigned to Postcode X or Postcode Y, especially when close to an existing postcode boundary? Some would claim there’s still “postcode prejudice”. Anyone’s guess what “sweeteners” may be needed to get the addresses in a new development assigned to a “higher value” postcode – think of the price premiums?! At MapMakers Australia we are proudly prejudice free! We analyse new build and sub-division data routinely. Our postcode geography boundaries are rigorously checked, and where discrepancies between existing postcode geography and postcodes assigned to new homes and other buildings, we double check and then check again, making any necessary updates to postcode boundaries as needed. As usual, a picture paints a thousand words – here are a couple of screenshot from such analyses run in May 2023.

Dynamic Postcode Boundary Updates For A Dynamic Nation – Example From Victoria

Dynamic Postcode Boundary Updates For A Dynamic Nation – Example From New South Wales
If you want your Postcode related data and analyses to be current, complete and accurate, your choice is simple – a MapMakers Australia Postcode Data Product or a Census Enhanced version. You’d be wasting your time and money with anything other.