Postcode Census Enhanced GIS Data Series – MapMakers 2024 range of Census Enhanced Postcode Data products
MapMakers Census Enhanced Postcode Data products attributed with the latest Census data are available now. This most recent of our always up-to-date Postcode Area GIS data series is enriched with over 300 fully proportioned attributes from the 2021 Census.
First release contained core demographics including age groups by sex, country of birth, languages spoken, religious affiliation, medians for household structure, income, mortgage and rent payments etc. now including individual weekly income figures. Our November 2022 release expanded to include Census 2021 variables for employment, labour force, occupations and fields of tertiary qualifications, all calculated to address level for every postcode in out Nation.
In acknowledgement of the roll-out of the NDIS, we’ve also included “need for assistance”, by age group, which we expect will be of great value to service providers in that sector. The ABS has dropped household Internet connection connections in this Census owing to widespread use of mobile data. See some specific illustrated examples on our blog:
- Census snapshot: One million homes left empty across Australia.
- Where the well-off and not so well-off are living. Postcode level analysis showing some predictable and also surprising patterns of poverty line Australia and also ones where the streets might still be paved with gold!
- Changing Face Of Australia – where people born in China are living, one of fifty country-of-origin fields in our Census enhanced data products.
- Baby Boomers change in population percentage over 10 years and two Census periods.
- How the world’s three biggest faith groups are distributed by postcode NSW / ACT and Tasmania.
- Mapping NDIS need by Postcode Areas. Need for assistance added to the product range for the second time, great addition to those in the disability service sector.
The default range of variables has been designed to meet the requirements of the majority of users, and while any individual user may have an interest in only a sub-set, data creation and maintenance tasks are collective ones. However we do offer discount rates for users requiring a only a limited sub-set of variables; contact us for details.
These products are also available as tabular summaries (no digital geography) at a rate 40% of the full GIS versions.
There are a number of upgrade paths available for users of our earlier Census products wishing to access the most recent Census 2021 data. Products containing equivalent data from the 2006, 2011, 2016 plus the 2021 Censuses are also available on request. A small number of fields present in previous Census’ were not been included in the 2021 data, while a number of fields appear in the 2021 data for the first time. Details appear in our concordance table (supplied with applicable products).
2021 Census Postcode examples
Use the most accurate postcode geography populated with the latest Australia Census data to drive your own business insights. This illustration summarises how the population of NSW and the ACT have changed between 2006 and 2021.

Population Change Across NSW and the ACT from 2006 to 2021
Here, we repeat our “disposable income” analysis

Monthly Disposable Income (After Mortgage Payments) Census 2021
first appearing for the 2006 Census year (see the example here). While incomes have increased substantially, the plummeting interest rates (effectively zero..) have allowed many to increase their disposable income, hopefully with enough room to accommodate the inevitable return of interest rates to realistic levels of around 5-6%.
Examples appearing on our blog..
Census Postcode examples and change analysis.
We have prepared a number of examples using recent Census data, with others showing the results of analysing comparable data from earlier Censuses. Crucial to most of us is how our income is keeping up with the seemingly spiraling cost of living. These maps of weekly household income in each postcode give us that information!
The explosive growth of Internet connectivity has characterised the 21st century, No longer largely tied to fixed dwellings in the 2016 Census, the question was dropped entirely for 2021, as the NBN rollout reached virtually every premise. Compared to the impressive take up since 2006, social trends reveal the shift to smart devices away from fixed line Internet in the home.
Most of us are aware of the declining populations of many of our rural and regional towns, as well as the increasing congestion on city roads and concerning crime rates. When rural populations decline below critical levels, business and services may not be viable and whole communities can disappear. High population densities in cities can lead to a sense of alienation, frustration and rising crime rates. These maps illustrate both these population trends for NSW, Sydney and Tasmania over the twenty year period between the 2006 and latest 2021 Census. Our Census Enhanced Postcode Area products expand your potential capacity for change analysis to four Census periods, essentially covering the entire twenty first century.
Percentage population change for NSW and the ACT.
The continuing trend in drift of populations from the bush to regional towns and major cities is illustrated in these maps, comparing the total population in each postcode using 2006 populations as the baseline, i.e. 2006 population is 100%.
The postcode captioned in the image – 2652 – illustrates an important difference between the Mapmakers postcode products and any others. 2652 covers a number of regional centres in the Riverina of NSW, nine in total. All have a unique character. While Tim Fischer’s home town of Boree Creek has suffered major population loss (-40%), the town of Rosewood, also postcode 2652, has enjoyed a modest population “boom”, from 142 in 2006 to 208 in 2016 – +46%! In summary, the nine separate 2652 postcode areas range from -40% to + 46%, four with growing populations, five with declines, overall averaging +1.7%. Only MapMakers take the care to tease out the detail in the underlying statistics and make them available to you at postcode level – everyone else writes off communities like good old 2652, as in terminal decline – not us!
The trend is further illustrated by using smaller labels to indicate smaller starting population numbers..

Percent change in resident population 2006 to 2021

(the small blue area indicated is the Concord Repatriation Hospital 2139, hopefully indicating far fewer sick beds over the ten years to 2016!)

Baby Boomers – where they live as a percentage of the overall population by postcode area – Greater Sydney (2011).
Broadly defined as being born between 1946 and 1964, “Boomers” are moving into retirement in growing numbers. Looking for peace and quiet might seem a logical next step if downsizing and no longer needing the daily commute to work, so locating areas already found suitable by this generation seems sensible. But then Jimmy Barnes and ACDC are Boomers too..
We have an updated Boomer Blog post here!
Baby Boomers – where they live as a percentage of the overall population by postcode area – Greater Sydney (2016).
As with any cohort, once the end date is reached, no more are made. While Boomers represented a population bubble for much of the second half of the 20th century, natural mortality and a massive increase in immigration rates means the Boomers in reality are a rapidly shrinking proportion of a rapidly growing overall population.

Baby Boomers – where they live as a percentage of the overall population by postcode area – NSW and ACT 2011.
Boomers still represent a significant proportion of the population in rural areas.
Baby Boomers – where they live as a percentage of the overall population by postcode area – NSW and ACT 2016.
Only a few “retirement hot spot” postcodes are seeing any increase in Boomer populations

Baby Boomers – where they live as a percentage of the overall population by postcode area – Tasmania 2011.
Boomers represent an even larger proportion of the population in rural Tasmania.
Baby Boomers – where they live as a percentage of the overall population by postcode area – Tasmania 2016.
The movement to Cape Barren Island may be related to Crown lands being handed over to the local Aboriginal Association in 2005. While the change looks dramatic, the actual population is few in number, so always wise to check for any underlying factor when something really stands out like this.

Weekly household income change 2006 – 2011 NSW, ACT and greater Sydney.
The change to weekly household income in each postcode during the five years between the last two Censuses is clearly shown.
While most areas have seen a modest increase, some have remained stagnant, while others have actually seen household incomes decline over the period. A more detailed view of greater Sydney is below.

With an even richer range of data variables than our 2006 product (a number of additional second languages and country of birth categories appear in the 2011 data for the first time for example), it is possible to scrutinise the relationships which may explain the changing fortunes of some postcode areas relative to others; the closure of large employing industries for example, which would be reflected in employment and unemployment figures.

These dollar values are for Census night 2006, before the “global financial crisis”. Using your GIS you would be able to factor in interest rate changes, wage growth and other parameters as required.

The data required to make similar maps for rented and public housing stock are included in the product.

If you are a business looking for a site for a new labour intensive factory, analyses presenting labour availability would be a sound investment.
Additional data to refine such a task, including population figures for different age groups of males and females, school levels completed, educational qualifications, skill categories and languages spoken are included in the product.

Number of Internet Connections per dwelling in Postcodes 2011 (right) and 2006 (below).
The increase in Internet access in most households during the five year period between Censuses is clearly shown.
It is of note that the Census questions dealing with Internet connectivity confine themselves to those directly accessible from the dwelling; it is possible that the rise in personal mobile Internet via smart devices during the period may skew this picture somewhat, hence the additional insights yielded when integrating the changes to number of dwellings over the period shown in this map.

This map shows the total number of Internet connections in each postcode area.

The closer the number is to “1” the more likely it is that dwellings in that postcode will have an Internet connection.
One could use this kind of information to assist in planning roll-out priority for new infrastructure, for example.

Change in the ratio of Internet connections per dwelling 2006 – 2011.
For some areas where the absolute number of connections may have increased, the ratio of connections per dwelling has decreased. It is possible that this reflects areas where fixed Internet connection has been historically unreliable and / or expensive, and a consumer switch to mobile based technologies has occurred. Again an example of how such data may usefully guide the prioritisation of large scale infrastructure planning.

Please note, this product is not directly suitable for direct use in Google Earth, owing to very limited data field capacity in that application. This example was processed entirely in a GIS and then exported in the limited format required by GE.

Population density in other words. This is the number of people per km² in each postcode area.

Sample postcode data displayed via a Google Map
Click on a postcode to see a sub-set of the Census data included in this product range. There are actually two layers, one from 2010 with 2006 Census data and another with 2018 postcode geography and 2016 Census data. You can turn them on or off and see how postcode boundaries change over the years and also how our population changes – just click the “view larger map” icon top right on menu bar. Great stuff from Google!
There is sample postcode area data available on our download page.
Following are a few notes outlining differences between current and previous Census data products, including update options for existing users:
MapMakers Postcode data product content for the 2021 Census
Each Census has some variation in the questions asked when compared with previous Censuses – the inclusion of questions about Internet connectivity in the 2006 and again in the 2011 Census is a good example. The questions asked between 2006 and 2016 were the same, but were dropped completely for 2021. A concordance table providing Census 2006, 2011, 2016 attribute names and their equivalents for 2021 is supplied to all Licensees upgrading to 2021 Census Enhanced MapMakers data products.
Upgrading from MapMakers products based on the 2016 Census to products incorporating 2021 Census data.
We offer existing 2016 Census Enhanced Postcode Data Licensees generous discount rates to update to products incorporating 2021 Census data. Default upgraded products will contain data fields from both the 2016 and 2021 Censuses. We know the sheer number of data fields can be problematic for users of some popular GIS packages, there will be over 550 data fields in an upgraded product. We can process to meet your different requirements if required, standard custom mapping charges apply. Three upgrade paths are available:
- For current Postcode Update subscribers, your geography is automatically updated so only new attribute data is involved; as an update subscriber, you will already have been supplied updated geography with 2021 Census data at no additional cost.
- For clients with a static License (i.e. no geography updates since the time of Licensing and no wish to update to current geography) the update data charge is 20% of your original License cost, plus a time based processing charge. If we re-process your original data as supplied from our archive, we expect this to take approximately 3 hours, so would cost an additional $600. You may have significant internal modifications to original data as supplied; we will work with you to provide any desired updates, but would need to discuss this on a case-by-case basis to determine how much time is likely to be required, please contact us through the usual channels.
- For clients with earlier static Licenses (i.e. no geography updates since the time of Licensing back as far as 2006) but who now would like to update to current geography as well as receive new Census 2021 data, you would be charged for cumulative annual upgrade costs from the date of your current License based on the current list price of the Licensed product(s) for which an upgrade is required. This structure aims to be fair on clients who have taken advantage of the Postcode Update service, and accommodate the cumulative changes incorporating new postcodes, boundary changes and deletion of redundant postcodes over time. In practice, if your License is more than five years old, you will need to buy a new product license.
New users wanting both 2016 and 2021 Data.
From late 2022, our Census Enhanced Postcode Data products contain default attributes drawn from the 2021 Census only, these replace the previous range using 2016 Census data. While upgrade paths are available for existing 2016 product Licensees, new users may also wish to deploy multi-Census data for time series, trend analyses or similar. While no longer available via the web site shopping cart, products with 2006, 2011 and 2016 Census data will be maintained and remain available at least until the 2026 Census data are released. If you require a multi Census Postcode Data product, please e-mail sales including the product ID(s) you require and include the tag “plus <Census year 2006 and / or 2011 and / or 2016> dat” in the subject line or prominently in the message body. There is a price difference of +20% per Census year, from the current 2021 product range for the multi Census products.